Thermage Skin Marking Paper 0.25cm2 (1 x 6 Sheets)


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EAN: 0160000070530 SKU: EC1176 Category:

Thermage TK Skin Marking Paper is used to delineate a specific treatment area to avoid overlapped or missed treatments in Thermage CPT treatments. The stencil is made of temporary ink that is meant to be transferred onto the skin so that physicians can conduct the procedure of Thermage CPT treatments precisely and uniformly.

The pack consists of:

6 predefined grid pattern stencil

How to use Thermage Skin Marking Paper TK-0.25:

Thermage TK Skin Marking Paper should be placed with the ink side down over on the moistened treatment region. Each skin marking stencil can only be used once and must be discarded at the end of a treatment session together with other used medical supplies.



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