TSK Products

    TSK needles are a type of medical needle that are commonly used in cosmetic and aesthetic treatments such as dermal fillers and microneedling. These needles are known for their high-quality construction, precision and sharpness, and ability to minimize discomfort and trauma during injections.

    TSK needles 30g are a specific type of TSK needle that have a gauge (thickness) of 30. The “g” in “30g” stands for “gauge,” which is a measurement of the needle’s diameter. The higher the gauge number, the thinner the needle.30g TSK needles are commonly used in cosmetic and aesthetic treatments such as dermal fillers and mesotherapy, as well as for insulin injections in diabetic patients. These needles are extremely thin and precise, which allows for very fine and accurate injections.


    TSK needles with low dead space are a specialized type of medical needle that are designed to minimize the amount of medication or substance that is left behind in the needle after an injection. Dead space refers to the space within the needle and syringe that is not filled with medication or substance, but still holds a small amount of air or fluid.


    TSK needles 27g are a specific type of TSK needle that have a gauge (thickness) of 27. The “g” in “27g” stands for “gauge,” which is a measurement of the needle’s diameter. The lower the gauge number, the thicker the needle.


    TSK needles are commonly used in cosmetic and aesthetic treatments such as administering Botox injections, as well as in other medical applications such as blood collection, vaccinations, and drug delivery. Here are some specific types of TSK needles and their applications:

    • TSK Invisible Needles: These are ultra-thin needles that are specifically designed for cosmetic and aesthetic treatments, such as administering Botox injections. They are so thin that they are virtually invisible during injections, which can help to minimize patient discomfort and anxiety.
    • TSK 33g Needles: These are very thin needles with a gauge of 33, making them ideal for precise and delicate injections. They are commonly used in cosmetic and aesthetic treatments, such as dermal fillers and mesotherapy, as well as for insulin injections in diabetic patients.
    • TSK 4mm Needles: These are short needles with a length of 4mm, which are specifically designed for use in insulin pens. They are commonly used by diabetic patients who need to administer regular insulin injections.
    • TSK Sterject Needles: These are specialized needles that are designed for use in veterinary medicine. They are sterile, single-use needles that are specifically designed for administering vaccines and other medications to animals.

    It’s important to note that the use of any type of medical needle should only be performed by a trained and licensed healthcare professional.


    TSK cannulas are medical devices that are used in cosmetic and aesthetic treatments, such as dermal fillers and fat transfer procedures. Cannulas are flexible, tube-like instruments that are inserted under the skin to deliver the injectable treatment.

    Here are some specific types of TSK cannulas and their applications:

    • TSK Cannula Holder: This is a specialized instrument that is used to hold and guide the cannula during injections. It helps to improve precision and control during the injection process.
    • TSK Cannula 22g: This is a thicker cannula with a gauge of 22, making it ideal for use in larger areas or for deeper injections. It is commonly used in fat transfer procedures or for injecting thicker fillers.
    • TSK Cannula 25g 38mm: This is a thin cannula with a gauge of 25 and a length of 38mm. It is commonly used for facial injections and can help to minimize bruising and discomfort.
    • TSK Cannula 25g 50mm: This is a longer version of the 25g cannula, with a length of 50mm. It is commonly used in body contouring procedures or for injecting larger volumes of filler.

    It’s important to note that the use of any type of medical device, including TSK cannulas, should only be performed by a trained and licensed healthcare professional. TSK cannulas are available in Canada, and can be purchased through authorized distributors or medical suppliers.

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